Kuwaiti-Polish Team Discovers Figurine, Local Pottery, and Environmental Clues

The Kuwaiti-Polish Archaeological Mission (KPAM) finished this year’s season of work at Bahra 1, a prehistoric site in the
Al-Subiyah desert of Northern Kuwait. Dating back to the mid-6th millennium BCE, Bahra 1 is among the oldest and largest known settlements in the Arabian Peninsula.

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Bioarchaeology of the Near East: volume 15 is now available online

The recent volume of Bioarchaeology of the Near East contains three regular papers and eight short fieldwork reports, with a broad range of topics. Nina Maaranen and colleagues from the ERC Hyksos Enigma project present research on dental non-metric traits at Avaris, the Hyksos capital city, compared to other samples from Egypt. Their results indicate that the people of Avaris were of different ancestry than Egyptians, supporting the hypothesis that a large-scale migration from the Levant to the eastern Nile delta occurred during the Second Intermediate Period.