Despite the ruthless epidemic, which impedes the fieldwork, research stays, and conference trips, the autumnal meeting of underwater archaeologists in Warsaw has been confirmed!
Archeowieści is a media partner of the conference.

Warsaw Seminar on Underwater Archaeology
Just like the underwater archaeology develops at the University of Warsaw, also the conference, organized here in this field, is ‘gathering its momentum’. The first edition, then known as the Warsaw Seminar on Underwater Archaeology for Students and PhD Candidates (Warszawskie Forum Archeologii Podwodnej dla Studentów i Doktorantów, 23.04.2014), was held mostly in Polish, although we hosted also some young researchers from Ukraine. The next meeting
(14–15.01.2017) was not only two-days-long, but also much more diversified. Even though it was still organized with a rather limited budget, it succeeded widely. A lot of guests visited us, and due to the scholarly auspices of the experienced scholars the second meeting of underwater archaeologists in Warsaw has reached a really impressive level. The last, third event was finally financed by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education (959/P-DUN/2018), which has enabled more professional organization. Abstracts of all presentations from 2019, as well as the photo-galleries from previous editions, are available at the website of the University of Warsaw’s “Underwater Expedition”.
4th Meeting of Underwater Archaeologists in Warsaw: 18–20 November 2021
After a multitude of commotions and consultations it was decided that the 4th meeting of underwater archaeologists in Warsaw will take place in Autumn, from the 18th until the 20th of November 2021. Also this time we were backed by the funds from the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education (DNK/SN/464684/2020). Although the pandemic reality does not favour travels, among the applicants there are not only the researchers from Poland, but also Greece, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Great Britain, Slovenia, Italy, Croatia, and Montenegro. And the deadline for applications is still ahead!

Keynote Speakers
Just like in the case of the previous edition, when we were visited by some prominent guests: Iván Negueruela Martínez – director of the ARQVA in Cartagena, M. Nicolas Caretta from the Bornholm Museum, and Vladas Žulkus from the Klaipėda University, also this time we are very happy to announce the participation of some ‘celebrities’. We can confirm the keynote speech by the senior researcher from the Moesgaard Museum in Denmark, dr. Xenia Pauli Jensen, who will open the panel on the submerged and wetland sacrificial sites, the presentation by our guest from Spain, dr. Carlos de Juan, who will paint the picture of the Mazarron 2 shipwreck research, and last, but not least, dr. Derek Hamilton from the University of Glasgow (SUERC Radiocarbon Laboratory), opening the panel “Water for Living”.
We sincerely hope that the pandemic will not stand in a way of the excellent scientific event and the meeting of underwater archaeologists in Warsaw will come into effect, but we are ready to move to the virtual reality, just in case.
Meanwhile, we invite you to apply via Google form. The final call for the submissions passes on the 31st of May 2021, but if you would like to apply a bit later, please contact us via email. The Organizing Committee will be pleased to answer all your questions.
It is worth noting, that if you would like to engage in the conference as a listener, but also participate in all the accompanying events and acquire the conference materials, you also have to apply. As always, we plan a lot of interesting additions to the main agenda, of which we will inform soon.
Of course, for the listeners the lectures are free, and in this case, you do not have to register.
The conference will be held in English.
Apart from the website, the current information is published on the Facebook page Archeologia Podwodna Underwater Expedition Wydział Archeologii UW (where you can also follow the news from the field of underwater archaeology in Poland and worldwide) as well as in the event: 4th Warsaw Seminar on Underwater Archaeology.

Just Add Water!
The meeting of underwater archaeologists in Warsaw is also connected with a book, „Archaeology: Just Add Water”. Its two volumes are available for download, and the deadline for submitting papers for the third one is the end of May 2021. More information is available on the website and on Facebook event. Contact us!
Author: Małgorzata Mileszczyk – underwater archaeologist, Ph.D. Candidate of the Faculty of Archaeology, Univeristy of Warsaw, member of the Organizing Committee of the Warsaw Seminar on Underwater Archaeology.